Doc Code Doc Title Description
3 MTG DISCHRG-NV Document indicating that the mortgage amount has been paid in full Pre-1/1/1986
4 ASSIGN-MTG Document that transfers the rights of a single mortgage lien or consolidated mortgage from one ?lender? to a new ?lender?
6 DEMOLITION NOT "Notice to Repair, Demolish, Remove unsafe structure"
19 BROKER AFF Broker Affidavit of Entitlement to Commission
100 TRANSCRIPT Transcript of Judgment from lower court
101 AMD JUDGMENT Amended Judgment
102 SATISFACTION Satisfaction of Judgment
103 ASSIGNMENT Assignment of Judgment
104 JUDGMENT ROLL Judment lien
105 REINSTATE JUDGE Reinstated Judgment
106 STIP/CRT VACATE Stipulation or Certificate of Disposition VACATING judgment
108 WARRANT NYS Tax Warrant
109 SAT-WARRANT Satisfaction of Tax Warrant
111 SAT DETERMINATION Satisfaction of Determination
113 SAT EXECUTION Satisfaction of Execution of Income or Property
115 ORDER-DMV Order for entry of Determination of Commissioner of Motor Vehicles into the Judgment Rolls
116 ORDER VACATE If coming from Actions & Proceedings the order may be certified
118 ORDER CONTINUE Order to Extend/Continue
119 ORD CANCEL JUDG Order Cancelling Judicial Liens-granted in Bankruptcy Court
123 PARTIAL SATIS Partial Satisfaction by Execution of Income/Property
124 EXECUTION UNSAT Unsatisfied by Execution of Income/Property
126 TRANSCRIBED TO Index for County entered and date filed for any transcript prepared by our office
127 FILE CT DISPSTN File Certificate of Disposition
129 CERT FILED IN Certificate of Disposition filed in another county
130 JUDG SAT PRE-91 Pre-1991 judgment that has been satisfied
131 BAILABLE ATTACH Bailable Attachment places the defendant in jail until a bail amount is paid
132 ORDER-EXPUNGE Order to expunge judgment and strike from record
133 CONS/CHANGE ATTY Consent to Change Attorney
135 WARRANT-EC HOTL Pursuant to EC Local Law No 12-1974 for non-payment of Hotel Room Occupancy Tax
137 REV?D ON APPEAL Reversed on Appeal
144 JUDGMENT/MOTION Judment lien
234 CONFESSN JDGMT Confession of Judgment/Judgment lien
304 ASSIGN OF BOND Assignment of bond from one surety company to another
305 SOCIAL SVC LIEN Social Services Liens
309 ASG NOT LENDING Assignment of Notice of Lending
313 NOT CLAIM-MLIEN LN Notice of Claim against a Bond filed to release a Mechanic?s Lien
314 ASSN MECH/VESSEL LIEN Assignment of Mechanic?s or Vessel Lien
315 ENVIRNMNTL-NYS Environmental Lien
317 EXT MECH LIEN Extension of Mechanics Lien
323 ORDER CONT ML Order Continuing Mechanic?s Lien
324 ORDER AMEND ML Order Amending Mechanic?s Lien
327 PRSNL PROP LIEN Personal Property Lien
328 ASSIGN HOSP LN Assignment of a Hospital Lien
329 PART SAT HOSP L Partial Satisfaction of Hospital Lien
331 FEDERAL BOND From US District Court
332 DISCH FED BD LN Discharge of Federal Bond Lien
335 DISCH CRIM B LN Discharge Criminal Bond Lien
336 CONDO/ASSOC LIEN Condominium/Association Lien
337 CRIME PROP BOND Criminal Property Bond
339 CRIME VICTIM LN Crime Victim Lien
341 BUILDING LOAN A contract whereby a lender agrees to make advances to or for the account of the owner to be secured by a mortgage on such real property
342 AMD/MOD BLDG LOAN Amend/Modify/Subordinate
343 ASSIGN BLDG LOAN Assignment of
344 PART REL BDG LN Partial Release of
345 DISCH BLDG LOAN Discharge
346 EC SOC SVC ASPR File assignment of Funds
347 ASSIGN CONTRACT Notice of Assignment used when NO PREVIOUS FILING of a Building Loan is on record
348 NOT VACATE DEMO Notice to Vacate Demolition Notice
349 NOTE ATTACHMENT Notice of Attachment ? Real Property
353 ORDER EXT L PEN Order Extending Lis Pendens
354 ORD CANC L PEND Order Cancelling Lis Pendens
355 AFF/STIP CAN LP Affidavit/Stipulation Cancelling Lis Pendens
358 ORD CANCEL NTAT Order Cancelling Notice of Attachment
360 ORD APPNT RECVR Order Appointing Receiver
361 ORDER REL FUNDS Order Releasing Funds
363 PART REL L PEND Partial Release of Lis Pendens
364 VACATE LIS PEND Vacate of Lis Pendens
366 AFF SERV-CONDO Affidavit of Service for Condo Lien
401 INCORP CERT Incorporation Certificate
402 AMD INCORP CERT-DOS Amended Incorporation Certificate - Dept of State
403 SUR AUTHORITY Surrender of Authority
404 CHANGE SHARES Corporation Amendment ? Change of Shares
409 ANNUL DISSOLUTN Annulment of Dissolution ? used to reinstate a Dissolution by Proclamation
419 ANNUL DISSOLUTN Annulment of Dissolution to reinstate a Dissolution by Proclamation
426 TRM INCORP Termination of Incorporation
427 INC NAME CHANGE Certificate of Change
430 CT ADOPTION LP Certificate of Adoption for Limited Partnership
431 INCORP NFP Application for Authority Certificate of Inc -Not-for-Profit
440 ORDER&PETITION Order to Purchase/Sell/ Mortgage/Lease Real Property of Religious Corporation or Not-for-Profit Corporation
441 CHANGE ELECTION Amended Certificate of Changing Date of Annual Election
443 FOREIGN CORP Cert of Incorporation only certified copies from Albany for a county other than Erie County or state other than NYS
444 AMD CT REL INC Amended Certificate of Religious Corporation
445 AMD CT INC-CERTIFIE COPY Certified Copy of Amended Certificate of Incorporation
446 APPL AUTHORITY Albany Certified Copy of Application of Authority
447 BUSINESS CERT Business Certificate
448 AMD BUSINESS CT Amended Business Certificate
449 CT DISCONTINUE Certificate of Discontinuance of Business
450 CT MERGER LLC Certificate of Merger for LLC
451 AMD LTD PTNSHP Limited Partnership Amendment
452 DIS LTD PTNSHP Limited Partnership Discontinuance
453 NOTICE ADOPT LP Notice of Adoption of Revised Limited Partnership Act-Partnership records are not on file in Albany (4/1/1990)
454 SECRETARY CERT Secretary?s Certificate of Resolution to state what has been adopted at a Board Meeting
455 CT RESOLUTION Certificate of Resolution - Voluntary Liquidation (bank); Certificate of Resolution of Board of Directors of a Corporation to Authorize a Mortgage of Corporate Property
456 GOOD STANDING Certificate of good standing ? Form generated in Albany regarding any Corporation or Limited Partnership
458 PUBLIC HEARING Notice/Affidavit of Public Hearing
459 DESIGNATE AGT Designate Agent for Service of Process
460 APPOINTMENT Resolution of the Erie County Legislature listing persons appointed to serve on Committees and Councils
463 TRM EASEMENT Certificate of Termination of Temporary Easement from the Department of Transportation
464 CHANGE RIDER Change of Location Rider
465 BANKING LICENSE Banking Department license from NYS filed by attorney/private party
466 BANKING OTHER Filed by the Banking Dept of NYS
467 RESLTN CHANGE STREET Resolution of Town-Change name of Street Needs to be certified copy of Town Law Section 64
468 CC TWN RESOLUTION File Certified Copy of Resolution of Town Clerk pertaining to real property
471 ASSESSOR DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Assessor or employee engaged in the assessment or assigned professional appraisal duties of real property for the purpose of taxation
473 TEMPORARY EASE Temporary Easement - Easements filed against map covers for highway projects
492 AFF GOOD STNDNG Code created to accommodate those customers who need a record of their Limited Partnership status to be a part of land records
493 ASSUMED INC NAME Assumed name of Incorporation
494 AMD ASSUMED INC Amended Assumed Name of Incorporation
495 DIS ASSUMED INC Discontinue Assumed name Incorporation
498 ORDER SUB JAIL Order to designate/extend/revoke a substitute jail
499 MISC-FILE "Papers filed by Agencies, Municipalities, Courts, etc "
658 REV-DESIGNTN DA Revoke Designation by District Attorney
659 DESIGNATION DA Designation by District Attorney
660 EMPLOYEE OATH Erie County Employee Oath
661 JUSTICE OATH Erie County Justice Oath
662 REGISTRAR VS Registrar of Vital Statistics
700 GEN REL/RESIGN/AUTH "General Release, Resignation of Trustee or Authorization"
703 AFFIDAVIT "A sworn statement affecting an interest in property, must be sworn to before notary/commissioner of deed"
704 AGREEMENT "A document entered into by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them regarding real property "
705 Assumption Agreement by one party to assume the balance of a debt secured by a mortgage covering real property
706 BOUNDARY LINE or RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT An agreement that establishes the boundary line between two properties
707 CONSENSUAL LIEN An agreement to accept a grant conditioned upon a promise to make improvements to the real property
715 CONTRACT or AGREEMENT with TP-584 "A document having a lawful purpose entered into by two or more parties, each intenings to create legal obligations regarding real property "
716 NEGATIVE PLEDGE "Agreement made that borrower will not sell, transfer, convey or otherwise encumber the borrower?s real property "
717 MORTGAGE PARTITION AGREEMENT An Agreement to divide the security interest into two or more separate mortgages on two or more separate properties
721 SUBORDINTN AGR Agreement between lenders having separate security interests in a parcel of property and the mortgagor to consent to a change in order of priority of secured interests
722 SPREADING AGR An agreement adding additional parcel(s) to an existing mortgage
725 AGRICULT ASSESS Agricultural Assessment
727 APPROPRIATION Notice of Appropriation
728 APPROVAL Certificate of Approval
729 APPROVAL ARCHIT Architectural Approval
731 CERTIFICATE Includes Certificate of Referendum (non-Bankruptcy Court)
732 REMAINDRMN CHG "Change of Remainderman, Change Special Power of Appointment"
739 CERTIFICATE/NOTICE from BANKRUPCTY COURT "Includes Certificate/Notice of Abandonment from Trustee, Discharge of Bankruptcy, Notice to Sell"
740 NOTICE of/CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION "Instrument to complete a project, such as repairs or redevelopment, certifying to its completion"
741 CERTIFICATE of COMPLIANCE Instrument filed certifying to compliance with all architectural requirements or restrictions imposed upon real property
743 REDEEM TAX LIEN "Certificate of satisfaction of payment of tax lien assigned to private party, not a governmental entity"
744 CERTIFICATE of REDEMPTION of TAX LIEN Certificate of redemption/satisfaction of payment of tax lien prepared by governmental entity
745 CT REDUCTION Certificate of Reduction filed by bank showing the current balance owed
750 "CERTIFIED COPY of PETITION, ORDER, or JUDGMENT" "Petition, Order or Judgment relating to real property"
762 CERTIFIED COPY of COURT ORDER/DECREE "affecting title or possession, use or enjoyment of real property"
764 CC RESOLUTION Certified Copy of a Resolution
767 COMMIT LAND Commitment of Land to Continued Agricultural Production
768 CONSENT "Includes consent to improvements, Shareholders consent "
774 COVENANTS/DECLARATIONS/RESTRICTIONS Document containing easements and/or restrictions; or an agreement to refrain from doing a particular act
781 DECLARATION "of Easements & Covenants, of Pooling, of Private Drainage Conditions, of Restrictions, of Trust, of on-Bill Recovery Program"
785 EASEMENT/RIGHT of WAY Non-possessory right to use and/or enter onto the real property of another
786 ESTOPPEL CERT Statement filed to influence another to accept a deed or to act in a certain way
789 GRANT/STORAGE Includes Storage Grant
792 LEASE/MEMO Agreement whereby a party conveys to another the use of real property where term and any options for renewals exceeds 49 years
799 SUBORDINTN LIEN An agreement between lender having separate security interests in a subject parcel of property and the mortgagor to consent to a change in order of priority of secured interests
801 UCC-VENDEE Collateral is as-extracted collateral or timber to be cut; collateral is goods that are to become fixtures; or collateral is cooperative interest
803 UCC-3 CONTINUE Continuation of UCC1
805 UCC-3 ASSIGN Assignment of UCC1
809 UCC-3 AMEND Amendment of UCC1
811 UCC-3 TERM termination of UCC1
818 FEDERAL TAX-REL Release of Federal Tax Lien
819 ENVIRONMNTL LIEN Environmental Lien
820 ENVIRNMNTL-REL Release of Environmental Lien
821 FEDRL TX-REFILE Federal Tax Lien ? Refile to extend the term of the lien
823 DOJ JUDGMENT Original Department of Justice judgment abstract
824 DOJ JUDGMNT-REL Release of Department of Justice Judgment
825 DOJ JUDGMNT-EXT Extension of Department of Justice Judgment
826 DOJ DISCH PROP Discharge of Property from a Department of Justice Judgment
827 CERT NONATTACH Certificate of Non-Attachment
828 REVOKE CERT OF RELEASE Certificate of Revocation of Certificate of Release of Federal Tax Lien
829 SUBORDINATION-FTL Certificate of Subordination of Federal Tax Lien
832 DISCH PROP-FTL Certificate of Discharge of Property Federal Tax Lien
833 PATIAL RELEASE-FTL Releasing only ONE of multiple parties OR partial payment on Federal Tax Lien
838 FTL-MSFILD/WDRW Misfield or Withdrawn Federal Tax Lien
839 DOJ-ORDER VACAT Order vacating a Department of Justice Abstract of Judgment
842 DOJ AMEND JUDG Amendment to Department of Justice Abstract of Judgment
964 MAP APPROPRIATION Appropriation of Lands-Map
010 JUDG/PART REL Partial Release of a Judgment
070 MONEY PD COURT Discharge of lien after notice of lien filed by payment of money into court
070ML MONEY PD COURT Discharge of lien after notice of lien filed by payment of money into court-Mechanics Lien
104W EF WORKERS COMP JUDGMENT Efiled Workers Compensation Judgment
108T WARRANT NYS-TAX NYS Tax Warrant index provided in data format only; no images available
138T RENEWAL JUDGMENT-TRANSCRIPT Used to link to original Judgment previously transcribed to our office from a lower court
2R ASSIGN OF RENTS Contract which assigns title/right/interest in rent/income from a property to a party utilized by lenders in the event of a default in the payment of a mortgage
3A DISCH SEC-1921 Affidavit filed as a full discharge of mortgage by paying the appropriate recording fees
3C MTG DISCH-INQRY Document indicating that the mortgage amount has been paid in full 1/1/1986-present
3M MTG DISCH-MERS-RPL 321(2)(B) Signed by MERS as Nominee
3OB OBJECT SEC- 1921 Affidavit filed to put notice on lender that satisfaction of mortgage is required
3OR MTG DISCH-COURT ORDER Order Discharging Mortgage
3P MTG DISCH-PARTIAL Releases some but not all Party(ies)
3R DISCH-ASGN RENT Discharge Assign of Rents
4B ASSIGN-BLANKET "Blanket Assignment transfers multiple unrelated mortgages or consolidated mortgages from one ?lender? to a new ?lender"" "
4R ASGN/ASGN RENTS Document that transfers the rights in and duties of the holder of an Assignment of Rent to an Assignee
4RP RESIGN PROCESS Individual designated by the corporation to receive correspondence from Secretary of State now wishes to resign as the provider
70G NT DEFAULT&FCL Notice of Default & Foreclosure Sale
70H NT FILING Filing Notice regarding real estate
70J NT FILING APPROPRIATION Notice of Filing of Appropriation
70U RESOLUTION Written motion/notice adopted by administrative board of a corporate entity regarding real property
70V RESTRICTIONS "Pertaining to use of real property that may require certain action, impose conditions upon or prohibit certain uses of real property, "
70W REV LIVING TR Revocation of Living Trust
70Z RIGHT FST REFSL Right of First Refusal to purchase property
71A WAIVE RIGHT REFUSAL Waive Right of First Refusal
71D STATEMENT Statement of Guardian pursuant to Mental Hygiene Law
71L ASGN LEASE Assignment of Lease
71M ASGN MONIES Assignment of Monies
71P ASGN PROCEEDS Assignment of Proceeds
71X ASSIGNMENT of INTEREST in REAL PROPERTY Includes Assignment of Easement
72L ASGN LSE-NO TT "Contract which assigns all title, right and interest in a lease to another party "
72N SUBORDINTN LEAS Agreement to consent to subordinating the lease to the rights of the lender
73M AFFIDAVIT Affidavits by land surveyor/engineer regarding a survey previously filed under an existing map cover
7P POWER OF ATTY Legal instrument delegating legal authority to another person(s)
7PA AMEND/CORRECTED POWER ATTY Amendment to power of attorney
7PR REVOKE/RESIGN POWER ATTY Terminates the authority granted in a recorded Power of Attorney
7T TRANS TAX ONLY Transfer Tax payment only
7X REL ESTATE TAX Release of Estate Tax
AFD AMD/MOD/COR FD Amend/Modify/Correct Filed Document
AMD AMENDMENT "Instrument revising a record other than mortgage, easement, or right of way"
ASG ASSIGNMENT Includes Assignment of Assignment of Leases
CAN CANCELLATION/DISCHARGE/SATISFACTION Record affecting real property where TP-584 NOT required
CNT CANCELLATION/DISCHARGE/SATISFACTION /SURRENDER Record affecting real property where TP-584 is required
DEED DEED A legal instrument in writing by which title to real property is transferred from one person/entity to another
M7 MOD MORTGAGE Agreement between a mortgagee and mortgagor to amend the terms of the mortgage lien
M7C CONSOLIDATE AGR "Agreement between a mortgagee and mortgagor to consolidate into one lien, multiple debts secured by the mortgage lien "
MTG MORTGAGE Written instrument creating a lien on real property as security for the payment of a debt
MTP MODIFY W/TP584 Modification to Deed liber document requiring TP-584
MTX COLLECT MTG TAX Transaction for payment of mortgage tax only when the underlying document is not recordable
ODF ORD DIS FILEDOC Order Discharge Filed Doc ? Orders discharging entire lien OR wholly satisfying judgments
ORP ORDER REL PROP Releases only premises from a lien Usually an order stating a bond is to be filed
ORR ORDER REINSTATE Order filed to reinstate a lien for Judgments
PRF PART REL FILDOC Partial Release of a Filed Document: Notice of Lending
RAR RES ASSESS RAT RESIDENTIAL ASSESSMENT RATIO for Administrative&Small Claims Assessment Review Proceedings
REL PART RELEASE MORTGAGE PREMISES Agreement whereby lender agrees to release specifically described real property from a mortgage
RLT RELEASE W/TP584 Used on releases which require filing a TP-584